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Which Library databases have a thesaurus and where can I locate it?

A database thesaurus contains subject terms that are assigned to each resource in a database to describe its content. Searching with subject terms can be a much more precise and effective search method than searching with keywords. To learn more about subject terms and database thesauri see the Subject Terms and Database Thesauri section of the Research Process Guide.

The Library databases listed below contain searchable thesauri. 


All EBSCO Host databases can be found under the A-Z databases list under A - All EBSCO Databases. From the EBSCOhost landing page, select Subjects and conduct a keyword search. Select from the results list the additional terms you would like to add to your search.


All proquest databases can be searched in the A-Z databases tab under A: All Proquest. From the ProQuest landing page, click on "Advanced Search" and then Thesaurus hyperlink located above the search box.


ERIC may be accessed by hovering over Research Resources in the main navigation bar found on the Library’s homepage and clicking on Databases > E > ERIC. Scroll through the alphabetical list of databases and select ERIC. From ERIC’s landing page, select the Thesaurus tab to begin searching the thesaurus descriptors.

ERIC screenshot with the Thesaurus tab highlighted.

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