Where can I find examples of annotated bibliographies?


You can find information about preparing annotated bibliographies on Annotated Bibliography page in the Academic Success Center and in the Research Tools section.

You can also review resources for creating an annotated bibliography and literature review under the Chapter 2 resource page in the Dissertation Center.  

Academic Writer offers an Annotated Bibliography tool. To learn how to use the tool, you can attend the Academic Writer Made Easy group session or review Academic Writer's FAQ "How do I start an annotated bibliography?"

The Library also provides instructions for using RefWorks to complete an annotated bibliography in this FAQ: How do I create an annotated bibliography using RefWorks?

Note: APA does not specify a particular length for each annotation, nor does it specify what the annotation is supposed to accomplish. These criteria are up to your instructor, so contact them with any questions.

  • Last Updated Nov 21, 2024
  • Views 6799
  • Answered By Ashley Babcock

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