How do I schedule an appointment with a coach?


Scheduling a coaching session

If you are interested in scheduling an individual coaching session, you can either self-schedule with an available coach or if you are unable to locate a time that fits your schedule, we invite you to use ASC Chat to chat with a coach who will assist you with locating a session that is a better fit. 

If chat is unavailable, please Submit a Question or email the ASC, and a coach will respond as soon as possible. 

Please follow these steps to schedule your appointment:

  1. Log in to the scheduler here -
  2. Locate the type of appointment you want to schedule.
  • Recorded Session: This type of session is asynchronous; you DO NOT meet with a coach. You must upload the document you want to be reviewed when you schedule the appointment. Written and video feedback will be uploaded to your appointment within two (2) days of the scheduled appointment time.
  • Group Session: This type of session is a live, 45-minute session with a coach and up to six (6) other students. Your meeting confirmation email will contain your session link.
  • Individual: An individual appointment is a live, 45-minute session with you and a coach.

  1. Select the corresponding white box.
  • White boxes depict available appointment times.

  1. Complete the appointment form that opens.

  1. Select “Create Appointment” at the bottom of the form.

  1. You will receive the following message:


  • Last Updated Nov 21, 2024
  • Views 18277
  • Answered By Ramon Daines

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