How do I attend my coaching session through Zoom?


1. Locate your appointment form. 

2. Click on the Zoom meeting link at the top of the appointment form. 

Red arrow pointing to Zoom meeting link on appointment form

3. When the new window opens, select the option to Open Zoom Meetings. 

Red arrow pointing to Open Zoom Meeting

4. A dialog box will appear with the text, "Please wait for the host to start this meeting." This screen will disappear once the host begins the meeting, and you will be added to the Zoom meeting room. Please do not attempt to login to start the meeting. 

Red text and red "X" on dialog window.

Here is another view that you might encounter when entering a session.

Be sure to select the I'm not the meeting host, Join Meeting as an Attendee option if you encounter this screen.

Zoom Attendee link

If you experience issues with Zoom or attending your session, please contact ASC Chat with your questions or concerns. 

  • Last Updated Nov 21, 2024
  • Views 192
  • Answered By Shelley Baker

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