Webinar - Publishing and Presenting Your Dissertation Research: How to “De-Dissertationize” - 09/21/21


(Webinar) The dissertation process comes to a definitive end when the final document is submitted and the doctoral degree is awarded. You have undoubtedly devoted an extensive amount of time and energy to your research, and this is the time to bring a sense of closure to your doctoral program. It is also a time to move forward and celebrate your enhanced knowledge and expertise. As one door closes, another door opens, and so at this juncture you might consider looking beyond your dissertation and contemplating new projects. In this webinar, Dr. Linda Bloomberg, author of Completing Your Qualitative Dissertation: A Road Map From Beginning to End as well as multiple journal publications, will lead you through some of the ways to disseminate your findings and more fully share your research with a broader audience through publication and presentation opportunities. Different strategies and tips will be shared, but the big idea that Dr. Bloomberg will present is how to “de-dissertationize” your dissertation in preparation for publication or presentation.


  • Last Updated Mar 27, 2024
  • Views 267
  • Answered By Emily Spranger

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