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What does it mean when a journal has an embargo?

When a journal has an embargo, it means that the publisher does not allow full-text access to the most recent content through an electronic library database subscription. Embargo periods vary but are typically six months or a year. Publishers do this to try to encourage people to subscribe directly to their publications, and to try to sell more print copies before making the full text available online.

You may determine if a journal has an embargo within the Library by using the Find a Resource tool on the home page or available at the  Research Resources drop-down, Find Journals & Books. The results screen will tell you if the Library subscribes to the journal, what years the Library subscribes to, and in which database(s) the full text is contained. An embargoed title will show date coverage and Full Text Delay: 1 year. As shown below. 

It may still be possible to obtain the article through an Interlibrary Loan request, as some lending libraries may subscribe directly to the content. For additional details and instructions on submitting free Interlibrary Loan article requests, please see our ILL Article FAQ.

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