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How do I locate encyclopedias in the Library?

The Library provides access to many general and subject-specific encyclopedias through various e-book databases. Start by reviewing our Library FAQ on Searching for E-Books. It will provide instructions and screenshots on searching for e-books in the Library.

Here are a few tips for locating encyclopedias when you aren't searching for a specific title:


In NavigatorSearch, run an advanced search and add the word Encyclopedia to a search box. In the dropdown menu next to the box, select TI Title. Select the book options under Limit by Source Type.

Navigator search advaced search displaying encycolpedia AND TI "higher education"

NavigatorSearch Results Page

Search results displaying encclopedias on higher education



You can browse by topic or create a search. If you don't see your topic listed or want a more focused search, use the advanced search feature and add the word encyclopedia to a box. Next to the box, select Title Only Search from the dropdown menu. 

CREDO Search Results Page



Sage Knowledge

There are several ways to search for encyclopedias in Sage Knowledge. You can type your topic in the search box at the top of the page and use the dropdown menu to the left of it to select Encyclopedias.

Sage Knowledge Search Results


You can also conduct an advanced search (the link is under the search box at the top of the home page). Enter your keywords, scroll down to CONTENT TYPE, click the plus sign to the right of REFERENCE, and then select ENCYCLOPEDIA. 



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