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How do I identify the original source for a test instrument?


If you have located a test instrument using the Library's APA PsycTests database, the detailed record screen will display a field called Source Citation. This provides a citation to the original research article in which the instrument was developed. To find the full-text article in the Library, click the PsycInfo Record link (if available), or follow the instructions on the FAQ here.


Research Article

If you have located a test instrument used in a scholarly research article, you will need to read their methods or instrumentation section to determine if they themselves developed the instrument, or if they are using an instrument previously developed by another researcher. In the latter case, they will cite the original researchers in text. Look at their references at the end of the paper to see a full citation to the original article. To find the full-text article in the Library, follow the instructions on the FAQ here.

In Text


Other Sources

If you have located a test instrument using any other source and you are having difficulty identifying the original study, you can try searching other students' dissertations and theses to see if they used the same instrument. If they have, they will certainly identify who developed the instrument and include a full reference to the source within their references section. Follow the steps below to search student dissertations for particular test instruments.

  1. Go to the Library's home page and select Find Dissertations under the Research Resources drop-down menu.
  2. Select ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  3. Enter the test instrument name into the basic or advanced search box, placing quotation marks around the name to ensure that it is searched as an exact phrase. You could select Abstract -- ABSTRACT to limit results to dissertations that mention the instrument in the abstract. 

  4. Read their methods or instrumentation section to determine which researcher developed the instrument. Then look at their references at the end of the paper to see a full citation to the original article.

    In Text



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