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How do I transfer my references saved to RefWorks and add them to Academic Writer?
To transfer your references from RefWorks and add them to Academic Writer, watch the following video, or follow the steps outlined below:
- Login to your RefWorks account.
- Click on the All References tab on the left menu. Select the Share icon in the top navigation and click on the Export References option.
- Under the Export References option, click on All References or Selected References that you wish to transfer to Academic Writer. Select RIS Format under the Format option and click Export.
- RefWorks will provide a message acknowledging that your RIS Format file has been successfully downloaded. Depending on your browser, you may see the file in your window, or check your computer's Downloads folder.
- Login to your Academic Writer account.
- Click on Add References.
- Select the Import tab.
- Under Choose RIS file origin, select RefWorks. Under Upload RIS file, click Choose File. Your file should be located in the Downloads folder on your computer and should be titled Export.ris. Click Open to finalize upload, and click Submit in the Academic Writer window.
- A progress bar will display showing the status of your import.
- You will receive a message displaying the number of references successfully imported. NOTE: Some reference types are not compatible with Academic Writer forms and will not import. This might be because important information was missing because Academic Writer could not determine what type of reference was in the file, or because the file type did not match what was indicated. You can view records that were not successfully imported by clicking on the View Records Not Imported tab. In such cases, you may need to add references manually in Academic Writer that were not successfully imported.
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