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Can I request print resources or media through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
Required course textbooks or supplemental books listed in your syllabus are not eligible for Interlibrary Loan. If you are currently enrolled students, faculty, or staff at National University, login here to place interlibrary loan requests, specify you want the physical book by clicking on 'NU ILL Book' tab and then scroll down to provide your home address, no P.O Boxes) No media such as DVD's or CD's may be requested. We cannot guarantee that another library will accept our request to send us a physical book. This process takes significantly longer than requesting a digital chapter. If a lending library accepts our request, you will receive the book along with postage for returning.
Under Copyright Law, you may request a single digital chapter from a book via the Interlibrary Loan service. If available through a lending library, the book chapter will be delivered to you electronically within 5-7 business days. If you need help with identifying which chapter to request, we recommend reviewing the book's table of contents, if available, through Amazon or Google Books.
For assistance with submitting a book chapter request through Interlibrary Loan, refer to this FAQ.
Another option is to compare WorldCat holdings to see if a library near you owns the physical book or resource for checkout. In WorldCat, you can enter the book title in the search box, and on the book summary page, click the link next to Libraries Near and you can enter your zip code or address in the Change Location box. A list of libraries owning the resource will display; however, always confirm availability of the resource by contacting the library directly.
You can also consider searching for similar book titles available in full-text within the Library by accessing the Ebook databases. The Ebook Central database provides access to more than 300,000 books covering diverse subjects.
For more information about Interlibrary Loan, visit the Interlibrary Loan LibGuide.
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