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How do I find dissertations from a particular School within the university?

To search for dissertations by School, go to Find Dissertations located under Research Resources on the main menu bar.

On this page, select the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ National University link to search only National University and formerly NCU dissertations. Click the link to be taken to the Advanced Search page (f you are not, then click Advanced Search to reach that screen).

From the Advanced Search page, type a keyword from the school name (e.g., marriage, psychology, business, health, education) in the search box and select the Department - DEP field code from the drop down menu to the right of the search boxes.

For example, to search for dissertations from the Sanford College of Education, type education in the search box and select Department - DEP from the field code drop down menu as shown below.

In the Abstract/Details view for a dissertation, you will see your search term highlighted in the Department field as shown below.


You can add additional search terms to the other search boxes and use the field code AB Abstract to make your search more precise.

For further guidance one searching dissertations, see the Dissertation Research FAQs.

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