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How do I locate demographic survey questions for my dissertation?

Many existing survey instruments include demographic questions. If you are using a survey that includes demographic questions but plan to change/add to those, please check with your Dissertation Chair to see if this is permissible and/or if it requires further testing to establish validity.

In other cases, existing surveys may not include demographic questions. You will need to add these questions to the end of the survey you have selected. To ensure that you are using the most appropriate terminology, look at authoritative surveys from the United States Census Bureau or other government agencies. These instruments are routinely updated to reflect best practices for asking about demographics.

Additional Resources:

11 Demographic Questions You Must Not Ask in Surveys

Demographics Questions - CDC

Demographic Survey Questions That Yield Valuable Insights (Qualtrics)

Gathering Demographic Information From Surveys (SurveyMonkey)

Inclusive Demographic Data Collection (Harvard University)

Survey: Demographic Questions - The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods

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