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How do I find seminal works on qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research design?

Top Authors

For specific recommendations on any of the following authors, please see our Seminal Authors guide

  • Mixed Methods: Creswell
  • Action Research: Kurt Lewin
  • Case Study: Yin or Stake
  • Grounded Theory: Charmaz, Glaser, and Strauss, or Corbin and Strauss
  • Narrative Inquiry: Connelly and Clandinin
  • Phenomenology: van Manen or Moustakas


More Help

For a complete guide to finding seminal works and authors, please review our Finding Seminal Works Guide 

Google Scholar

You can conduct a Google Scholar search for your topic (i.e. qualitative design book, quantitative design book, etc.) and scan the results for highly cited publications. For more information, see our Citing Articles Guide.

Sage Research Methods

You can use SAGE Research Methods to search for academic books related to qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design. For example, enter the phrase (with quotation marks) "qualitative research design", then filter by discipline and major work (see screenshot below).

Major works collate the very best thinking in a particular research field. These collections include chapters from books and seminal journal articles, as well as an introductory piece that summarizes the field under consideration. Drawing from across the spectrum of academic disciplines, Major Works illustrate a full range of debate, methods and techniques. Titles include

image of major works description and search filter


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