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How can I access my DART book?

DART / Vital Source Books (class based students)

>> Learn more about DART textbooks


To access the DART textbooks in Brightspace (D2L):

In your Brightspace course:

  1. At the top of the page, click on Content.
  2. On the left, click on Getting Started.
  3. Click on DART ebook.

If you need more help with your DART textbook:

If you still are experiencing difficulties accessing a textbook, please contact the Service Desk at 858-309-3580 or


NU Bookstore

If your textbook is not available in Brightspace, then you can also search directly in the NU Online Bookstore for your class. If you have questions about orders, financial aid vouchers, buyback, or general inquiries, please see the Bookstore Help Desk page.


Rent a Textbook

You can rent a textbook from Amazon, Chegg or CampusBooks. To compare book prices, we recommend using BookFinder.


RedShelf Books (1-1 students)

All required course textbooks are available electronically via your course in NCUOne. Please note that not all courses have textbooks. 

Login to NCUOne and select your course. You will find the Bookshelf link in the blue menu bar at the top of the screen. 

For questions related to your e-textbooks, your Academic Advisor is ready to assist you. You can also contact the University Service Center at 1-866-776-0331. If you need technical help, please contact the IT Service Desk at 858-309-3580 or 
Additionally, you may submit a technical support request to RedShelf, by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of your course textbook. Next, click on "Contact Us." This link will also land you on the Redshelf IT ticket page.

Still need help?

Didn't get the answer you needed? Contact a librarian through email, phone, SMS, or chat for personalized assistance!