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How do I navigate the new NavigatorSearch and EBSCOhost user interface? Where are the limiters, Extend Your Search, My Folder, etc.?

Watch this short video to see some of the key changes to the NavigatorSearch and EBSCOhost databases user interface.



Updates to Navigator Search and EBSCOhost Databases

We're going to review some changes to the new interface that has been provided by EBSCO.

First, when you complete a search, the limiters have moved from the left hand side to the top of the screen under the search bar.

Extend your search has moved from the right hand side of the screen to the left hand menu option. It will open in its own window.

Save your folder is now moved to the Save to your Dashboard and is with the little bookmark icon.

Access options are no longer listed individually but are now listed in a drop down menu underneath the title and abstract of the article.

Search history has moved from underneath the search box to the Dashboard option Recent Activity.

When looking at an article in the search results, you can now cite and export to Refworks or Zotero. When you've clicked into an article, the tools have moved from the right hand side to the top, and they have been condensed into just five options: Save, Cite, Add to Projects, Share, and Download.

The My Folders option has now moved into the My Dashboard area. What used to be My Folder, where most things were saved, has now moved into the Saved section of the Dashboard and Custom folders has now become Projects.

You do have to create your own folders in the Projects area. When you save something, you can save it to the Saved area and then move it to Projects, or you can use the three dot drop down menu and save it directly to your Projects folders.

These are just a few of the changes that are taking place with the new user interface. If you have more questions, please feel free to reach out to us at the Library, and also look through our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) as they have been updated and have a lot of great information on the new user interface.

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