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Where can I find an author's credentials or biography?

Where are the author's credentials listed in a scholarly article?

Scholarly journals will typically list the university/research institution that each author is affiliated with. You can usually find this information on the article's first page, either listed at the top with the author names, or in a footnote.

Sometimes authors are listed with their advanced degrees (for example, they may be listed with a "PhD" next to their name).

Where are the author's credentials listed in a book?

Scholarly books will typically list the research institution that each author is affiliated with on the title page, in an author's note or an "about the author" page, or (if the book is a collection of submitted chapters) at the beginning of each chapter.


Where can I find more information about an author?

Try these sources:

  • Universities/research institutions usually have biography pages or CVs posted for their faculty. Run a Google search for the author's name, and the name of their institution (for example: Mary Beard AND Oxford University).
  • Researchers often set up a Google Scholar author profile, where others can find links to their work.


Where can I find information about a well-known author/theorist?

Try looking for scholarly encyclopedia entries about your subject in these databases:

Or, try searching for books by and about your author in the Library's catalog.

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