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How can I find empirical research articles?

What is empirical research?

According to The SAGE Glossary of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2009), empirical research is:

A type of research that is based on information collected through observation or experiment rather than theory. Empirical studies aim to objectively test and investigate specific research questions or hypotheses through verifiable methods. Empirical research implies that it is possible to measure the outcome variable and, by the same token, to test and prove (or disprove) any given hypothesis. Empirical research can be quantitative or qualitative in nature. Studies of a quantitative nature tend to involve numbers, data, and statistical methods. Studies of a qualitative nature generally offer more in-depth information.

PsycInfo describes empirical research as:

Study based on facts, systematic observation, or experiment, rather than theory or general philosophical principle.

Look for methodology and results sections. If your article describes the methods that the authors used to collect and analyze data, and contains enough information to reproduce the study, it’s probably empirical research!


How do I find an empirical research article?

Are you a psychology student looking for empirical research studies in a psychology database? The Psychology Research Guide has a tutorial and guidance for you here:

Some of the Library's databases will allow you to search for studies that used specific methodologies. Here's how you can get started in All EBSCO, for example:

  1. Run your search. (If you've never searched EBSCO before, this tutorial will get you started.)
  2. Look at the Refine Results menu on the left-hand side of your results list. Scroll down until you find the Methodology heading.
  3. When you click on the Methodology heading, you'll see the option to restrict your results to empirical studies (or other specific methodology types).


Who do I contact if I need more help searching?

If you're still stuck, email the NU Library at or chat with us here. We'll help you find what you need!


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